Throw the Phones

From Bitterness to Optimism with some inside Intel

Written by Denny Paulsen | May 15, 2024 11:32:27 AM

The departure of Trev Alberts from the role of Athletic Director at Nebraska was a pill that was tough to swallow for many. After all, Alberts wasn't just any administrator; he was one of our own, a heralded former athlete who declared the AD position his "dream job." The sting of his departure was sharp, underscored by promises unkept and potential unfulfilled. Yet, as the dust settles, my feelings are undergoing a surprising transformation.

Enter Troy Dannen, the new Athletic Director, whose approach has been refreshingly straightforward and unpretentious. Unlike Alberts, Dannen doesn't appear overwhelmed by the prestige of the role. He seems genuinely enamored with the university, bringing an earnest enthusiasm that's hard not to admire. His pragmatic approach is a breath of fresh air in the often tumultuous world of college athletics administration.

From what I've gathered—though let's keep this between us—a source intimately close to the situation hinted that Trev Alberts' tenure wasn't as rosy as it appeared. Despite his polished exterior and the idealistic image he projected, there were internal disappointments and perhaps agendas not entirely aligned with the university's best interests. It's a classic case of all that glitters not being gold. Perhaps in Dannen's pragmatic leadership, we're witnessing the arrival of someone who wears the responsibility rather than just the "clothes" of an AD.

As we move forward under Dannen's stewardship, I find my initial bitterness giving way to cautious optimism. Maybe, just maybe, we've dodged a bullet with Alberts' departure. In Dannen, Nebraska might have found not just a competent administrator but a visionary capable of steering our beloved institution to new heights—both on and off the field.